Build a Bug
December, 2021I designed a game centered around the interests of my Secret Santa giftee in this game jam, which is inspired by minecraft and hollow knight. The mechanics involve digging tiles and discovering fossils to customize a unique bug creature.

Nut in the Woods
September, 2021
A puzzlescript game collaborating with a student who specializes in level design, and I contributed to the initial theme and visuals.

Barbeque with Friends
July, 2021
For my first game jam, I developed a game centered on the theme of friendship in one week. My primary focus was on crafting a compelling narrative and scriptwriting. During the final two days of the jam, I created all the necessary visuals using Blender.

Hurst Meadow
May, 2021Link to the Game
A point-and-click autobiographical game that takes the player on a journey through a British park from the perspective of two art students. Players could interact with objects and discover interesting items and dialogues throughout the experience.

Kelly is a multi-disciplinary artist who creates games, illustrations, and books. With a passion for both interactive and print medium, she is particularly drawn to themes of queer identity and autobiography. She likes to tell her own stories through her work, as well as letting other people's voices be heard.
She is passionate about sharing her knowledge with others and collaborates with people to create new and exciting works. Her art celebrates diversity and invites viewers to explore the many different facets of the human experience.
Kelly Liang - Kingston, United Kingdom -