Character Animation

Animated Films
This short film showcases my exploration of color theory, sound experimentation, and narrative through film editing.I created the liquid simulation in Blender, and composed in Premiere.
Book Trailer for Penguin Vintage Competition
As part of a four-member team collaboration, we produced a trailer animation for Penguin Vintage's upcoming book "Four Hundred Souls." My contribution to the project involved animating the book using Blender and the film edit.
Kelly is a multi-disciplinary artist who creates games, illustrations, and books. With a passion for both interactive and print medium, she is particularly drawn to themes of queer identity and autobiography. She likes to tell her own stories through her work, as well as letting other people's voices be heard.
She is passionate about sharing her knowledge with others and collaborates with people to create new and exciting works. Her art celebrates diversity and invites viewers to explore the many different facets of the human experience.
Kelly Liang - Kingston, United Kingdom -